Brexit hit looms for industries that escaped worst of pandemic
For quite a while Brexit was largely out the public eye, but the issues from last year have not been resolved. In actuality they have been complemented by the Covid-19 crisis. The LSE has created a joint report on Covid-19 and Brexit (click here for the report). It has underlined a few unsettling issues.
“Report authors, Josh De Lyon and Dr Swati Dhingra, also show that sectors affected by Brexit are generally different to those currently impacted by COVID-19. When comparing the effect of COVID-19 with the predicted impact of increased trade barriers with the EU, there is some evidence that those less hit by COVID-19 are likely to suffer more from Brexit. Electrical and Optical Equipment and Chemicals and Chemical Products are examples of such sectors. ”
It would appear that Brexit and the Pandemic will create the perfect storm in Europe. In those circumstances the need for certainty of repayment is great and Deriveum is the only option that can be used for CDS deals.
For more information on the LSE report, plese clock on the picture below