This page contains a short overview of the problem and key use cases. For the purposes of this page, the problem is seen in more technical terms. To get familiar with the econimic and legal dimentions please check the Problem section of our website.
The problem is to create a safe, reliable and regulatable crypto commodity.
The key use case we want to develop are:
- Termination of the smart contract by instruction from a regulatory authority
- Mitigation strategy of risk concentration and signaling between regulators (to that end we will be looking at automatic aggregation of data, computer reading of contracts, developing of early warning mechanism and ways of communication between regulators)
- PSM deployment algorithm simulation, which would support the liquidity in the Deriveum market
Entering the LBChain would be an excellent opportunity to develop both our prototype and the platform itself.
Detailed list of the tasks we would like to engage in, while participating in LBChain you may find here